Everybody suffers at least one narcissist spreading their misery. Subtly burst that bubble of superiority with these micro-aggressive "motivational" posters.
This is an INSTANT DOWNLOAD of the whole collection. Eight full colour high resolution images at 150dpi for a vivid print on A4 paper or card.
Once your purchase is complete you will be emailed the download link for a PDF document (10mb approx) of all the images.
Ignore any stuff about shipping in your cart. It's free for a digital file obviously. There will only be shipping if you're also ordering PHYSICAL products. You might still have to enter your address but I don't see it in the order confirmation. Not that I was planning to pop around anytime soon.
NB: The artist cannot be held responsible for any silent treatment once the narcissist works out what's going on here. Just enjoy the peace and quiet.